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Kafka Summit San Francisco 2019 Session Videos

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Last week, the Kafka Summit hosted nearly 2,000 people from 40 different countries and 595 companies—the largest Summit yet. By the numbers, we got to enjoy four keynote speakers, 56 sessions, 75 speakers, 38 sponsors, and one big party, including the classic Apache Kafka® ice sculpture, per the traditions handed down to us. (I guess we handed those traditions down to ourselves in this case, but still.)

Kafka Summit SF 2019 Party

Apache Kafka Ice Sculpture

Every time I open the Summit, I remind the people attending that they don’t need to worry about missing sessions, because every one of them is being recorded. And if you weren’t there at all, this is an even better thing. With that, permit me to announce that the session videos and slides are now available—and in record time.

Top 10 Highest-Rated Sessions

Kafka Summit SF 2019 Session

With so many sessions to choose from, perhaps you’re wondering where to start. Based on the votes of Summit attendees from within the Kafka Summit mobile app, here are the top-rated talks:

  1. Building Stream Processing Applications with Apache Kafka Using KSQL by Robin Moffatt of Confluent
  2. Kafka on Kubernetes: Keeping It Simple by Nikki Thean of Etsy
  3. Why Stop the World When You Can Change It? Design and Implementation of Incremental Cooperative Rebalancing by Konstantine Karantasis of Confluent
  4. How Kroger Embraced a “Schema-First” Philosophy in Building Real-Time Data Pipelines by Rob Hoeting, Rob Hammonds, and Lauren McDonald of Systems Evolution
  5. KSQL Performance Tuning for Fun and Profit by Nick Dearden of Confluent
  6. Mission-Critical, Real-Time Fault Detection for NASA’s Deep Space Network Using Apache Kafka by Rishi Verma of NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
  7. Please Upgrade Apache Kafka. Now. by Gwen Shapira of Confluent
  8. Event Sourcing, Stream Processing, and Serverless by Ben Stopford of Confluent
  9. Kafka Needs No Keeper by Jason Gustafson and Colin McCabe of Confluent
  10. Using Kafka to Discover Events Hidden in Your Database by Anna McDonald of SAS Institute

Develop /her

The sessions aren’t the only thing that made this year’s Kafka Summit San Francisco extra special. We also hosted our first ever, sold out Girl Geek Dinner with Neha Narkhede (Co-founder and CPO, Confluent), Bret Scofield (UX Researcher, Confluent), Elizabeth Bennett (Software Engineer, Confluent), and Priya Shivakumar (Senior Director of Product Marketing, Confluent) as speakers. The event was emceed delightfully by Confluent’s own Dani Traphagen (Solutions Engineer, Western U.S.).

Girl Geek Dinner: Elizabeth Bennett and Neha Narkhede

develop /her

In addition to the Girl Geek Dinner and the Summit proper, there were plenty of other opportunities to learn. One hundred of you participated in the tutorial on Sunday, and 175 of you showed up after the Summit for three days of training. A number of you were also certified and attended the breakfast on Tuesday morning, where we talked about how to market your certification. Congratulations to everyone who completed the curriculum!

On Tuesday night after the crew started disassembling the booths and taking down the ubiquitous Kafka signage from the hotel, those of us who just couldn’t let it end stayed behind for a meetup at Confluent’s San Francisco office. We had three talks that night—let it never be said that we lack enthusiasm—led by Frank Greco of Confluent; Lei Chen of Bloomberg LP; and Qianqian Zhong, Xu Zhang, and Zuofei Wang of Airbnb. Frank talked about how to build a cloud Kafka service, Lei talked about how to run Kafka Streams without having a Kafka underneath it (yes, this is possible), and the Airbnb folks talks about how they built their two major Kafka-powered systems in use there.

Post Kafka Summit SF 2019 Meetup

Photo Credit: Derek C.

View the videos and slides!

I thought I was over the post-Summit blues, but writing this post has brought it all back. I think the best remedy is to watch the videos. You know what must be done.

  • Tim Berglund es profesor, autor y responsable de relaciones con los desarrolladores en StarTree. Es habitual encontrarle dando conferencias en Estados Unidos y en todo el mundo. Ha copresentado varios vídeos formativos sobre Git y sistemas distribuidos, entre otros, de O'Reilly, con los que también publicó su libro Gradle Beyond the Basics. Podéis encontrarle en X (lo que antes conocíamos como Twitter) como @tlberglund, leerle en su web http://timberglund.com (aunque últimamente escribe muy de vez en cuando) o escucharle en su podcast http://devrelrad.io. Tim Berglund vive en Littleton, CO, EE. UU. con su esposa de toda la vida y su hijo menor.

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