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Highlights of the Kafka Summit San Francisco 2018 Agenda

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Honestly, it seems like I just filed my expense report for Kafka Summit London, and now we are announcing the program for Kafka Summit San Francisco. (CONFIDENTIAL TO CONFLUENT FINANCE: I did just file my expense report for Kafka Summit London. Three months isn’t so bad, right? Right?)

But hey, here we are, just under three months out from the third annual marquee Apache Kafka® community event. Kidding aside, Kafka Summit has established itself as the premier streaming systems event for people like you: developers, DevOps people, software architects, and anyone else who builds things with Kafka. Happily, people talk about Kafka in lots of different venues, but this is the place for the community to rally around our next-generation plans, share experiences, and plot the future of streaming technologies.

Because Kafka has become an increasingly strategic platform, it has also attracted the attention of business leaders. To help welcome this new constituency, we are rolling out a new track at the 2018 summit: The Business Case.

The Kafka Summit Program Committee just finished sorting through more than 250 excellent submissions and sent out formal acceptance emails last week. We’ll be publishing the full agenda (50+ sessions) soon, so keep an eye on the website or sign up for updates, and we’ll let you know as soon as the deed is done.

Some highlights I can share from the agenda so far:

Internals Track

  • Kafka Security 101 & Real-World Tips (Stephane Maarek, DataCumulus)
  • Connecting Kafka Across Multiple AWS VPCs (Benoit Carrière, Expedia)
  • Kafka on ZFS: Better Living Through Filesystems (Hugh O’Brien, Jet.com)

Pipelines Track

  • Data Streaming Ecosystem Management at Booking.com (Alex Mironov, Booking.com)
  • More Data, More Problems: Scaling Kafka Mirroring Pipelines at LinkedIn (Celia Kung, LinkedIn)
  • Move the Needle of the Pin—Pinterest’s Story of Streaming Hundreds of Terabytes of Pins from MySQL to S3/Hadoop Continuously (Henry Cai, Pinterest)

Streams Track

  • Deploying Kafka Streams Applications with Docker and Kubernetes (Gwen Shapira + Matthias J. Sax, Confluent)
  • How Big Fish Games Developed Real-Time Analytics Using Kafka Streams and Elasticsearch (Kalah Brown, Big Fish Games)
  • Real-Time Market Data Analytics Using Kafka Streams (Lei Chen, Bloomberg L.P.)

The Business Case Track

  • Life is a Stream of Events (Bjørne Kvernstuen, Norwegian Directorate for Work and Welfare)
  • Kafka for Real-Time Event Processing in Serverless Environments (Jeff Sharpe, Capital One)
  • Using Kafka in Your Organization with Real-Time User Insights for a Customer 360 View (Chris Maier, Western Monroe Partners)

The full speaker list will be posted soon.

As always, permit me to thank the program committee for all their hard work and investment in putting together the agenda:

  • Becket Qin, LinkedIn
  • Ben Lorica, O’Reilly Media
  • Helena Edelson
  • Jun Rao, Confluent
  • Michael Noll, Confluent
  • Neha Narkhede, Confluent
  • Rajini Sivaram, Confluent
  • Sam Newman
  • Tim Berglund, Confluent
  • Todd Palino, LinkedIn

Oh, hey one more thing: early bird pricing ends Aug. 1! “Oh, that’s August; I have plenty of time,” you think, but you and I both know that’s essentially tomorrow.

Register now to save $200 off the standard conference pass.

I look forward to seeing you at the summit!

  • Tim Berglund es profesor, autor y responsable de relaciones con los desarrolladores en StarTree. Es habitual encontrarle dando conferencias en Estados Unidos y en todo el mundo. Ha copresentado varios vídeos formativos sobre Git y sistemas distribuidos, entre otros, de O'Reilly, con los que también publicó su libro Gradle Beyond the Basics. Podéis encontrarle en X (lo que antes conocíamos como Twitter) como @tlberglund, leerle en su web http://timberglund.com (aunque últimamente escribe muy de vez en cuando) o escucharle en su podcast http://devrelrad.io. Tim Berglund vive en Littleton, CO, EE. UU. con su esposa de toda la vida y su hijo menor.

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